We are #1 in the industry for political robocalls resulting in a WIN! Our proprietary Triple Bypass Call™ system gives you the industry's highest delivery rate. Our calls are 100% Legal and fully compliant.
Proper voter targeting is essential to operating a WINNING campaign! We provide accurate and current voter data. Whether you're running a City, County, Statewide or Nationwide race we have you covered.
Send out a political text message to all of your voters! A great way to raise funds or to remind voters to vote for you on their way to the polls on Election Day. Our political texting service is 100% Legal and compliant.
NO! Detailed research done in 2020 show there are still over 150 MILLION active landlines. A significant amount of Senior Citizens and homeowners have landlines. They also happen to be the demographic that are more likely to vote and donate!
Over the past two decades and beginning with our first come from way behind winner, Elaine Brown, we have 2,000 winners. The impact of automated calls such as ours has given the WIN to scores of candidates at the last minute!
The methodology we utilized which is the Triple Bypass Call™ system together with our testimonial voice-over talent like Magic Mary and more than 70% net delivery rate is why we have the industry's best WIN record over the last two decades.
Our competitors will only make one attempt to call your voters. It costs them up to triple to use the genius methodology that we always employ, which is our proprietary Triple Bypass Call™.
Play the samples and you will notice that the disclaimers that are now required in all States are written as a separate powerful message that delivers as much punch as the message in the body of the call!
We have winners with amazing razor thin victories in every level of office from the New Orleans Jailer Post to the US House, US Senate, President and every office in between! We have over 2,000 WINS!
Nancy Maloney Wins For Florida Circuit Court After Coming In A Distant Second In The Primary! NOTE! This Is A Great Example Of An Absentee Political Call!
Lou Delgado had stood no chance to win in his election to the 15th Circuit bench. That was until we used Magic Mary and constructed a series of calls for Lou Delgado after he was the subject of several stinging blogs by a millionaire Palm Beach County P.I. Attorney.
One of the opponents for Clerk of Court spent more in the final week than all other Candidates combined in the entire eight month long campaign period. This is a great example of a Candidate voice broadcast clip.
Maria Ruhl used a combination of Magic Mary calls and several of her own. This was the 1st time since 1998 a sitting Judge has been defeated in this circuit!
One of Mary Evans Many Messages, A Great Child Safety Voice Broadcast.
Abby Sanchez won her race by the slimmest margin in Florida in 2016 for a county wide race. She defeated a 16 year incumbent that had no negatives! Abby used MAGIC MARY, our mail design and our genius 8'x 4'Mega Sign design!
Terry Ketchel was outspent $550,000 to $110,000 but defeated Dixie Dan Powell for Florida Circuit Court. A tool that we invented/developed for this win was the Spouse Call. These are commonplace today but a first in 2006.
Susan Starkey was polling down by 10% with five days to go. She hired us and after a series of four genius calls including a "Angry New Young Voter Call" defeated her lying opponent by 4 votes which turned into 9 after the recount.
Maria Ruhl defeated an Incumbent Florida Circuit Court Judge in 2018 with a combination of Magic Mary calls and calls in her own voice. In the final two days we sent a different purpose targeted call to each of the three counties in the Circuit! An Incumbent Judge had not been unseated from this Circuit since 1998!
Dr. Maxine Thornton-Reese is a FIVE TIME WINNER for the Dallas City Commission! Winning four regular elections and capped those victories off with a win in a recall election! Those political hacks should have known better than to try to recall a Commissioner using Razor Thin Wins for her mediums!
Grant Maloy proved us right when we said he is definitely the best candidate for the job of Clerk of Courts and Comptroller. Grant won the Primary election outright against two opponents without a runoff. One opponent spent more in the last week than Grant and the other opponent combined spent during the entire election 2016 period!
The late New Jersey US Senator Frank Lautenberg called on us in his re-election when he was being maligned by his opponent as too old to be effective. We did a few rounds of strategic calls in two weeks and Senator Lautenberg trounced his opponent 59% to 35% (3rd Primary candidate got 6%).
Retired US Senator David Vitter faced four Democrats in a November election when we were all voting for Bush Vs Kerry. If Vitter had not won 50% + 1 in this odd Primary he would have certainly lost in the December runoff when the Democrats would have consolidated. David got 53%.
One of the youngest Judges ever to sit on the Florida Circuit Court, Lou Delgado defeated a multi-millionaire Boca Raton personal injury attorney that outspent him by 700%! Lou was the victim/subject of vicious personal attacks for two months but won his election 54% to 46%!
Vicki Wright in a low budget race was outspent $100,000 to $20,000 and won an appellate seat in Chicago's state court system. Genius calls throughout the last two weeks of the election brought down her opponent who relied on the always ignored direct mail!
Gary Bergosh was one of the three candidates who comprised our Panhandle Sweep of Wins! Terry Ketchel (pictured in the first set of winners) and Ross Goodman completed the hat trick in the First Circuit. Gary's brother Jeff also won a School Board seat in Bay County.
We did the voice broadcast calls for Idaho Governor Butch Otter. Governor Otter a native Idahoan won easily with 53% of the vote. Otter had served as President of Simplot International, a potato, livestock, and feeding company before serving in the legislature and as Lt. Governor for 14 years! In his first win for the top post in the State he faced three opponents.
R.J. defeated multi-term incumbent John Tanner with 400,000 of our targeted calls in 2008. In 2012 he had a strong challenger and used another 400,000 calls for his re-election. R.J. now continues protecting the people of the 7th District without any serious opposition!
STILL A RECORD FOR A ONE WEEK STATEWIDE TURNAROUND! Michigan Proposal One reversed its fortunes with 4,000,000 of our highly targeted calls over the last six days of the campaign. With one week to go a Tarrant poll showed our side losing 55/45. Election Day told a different story. This gambling initiative prevailed 58/42!
A client and friend of ours former Governor Kathleen Blanco passed away August 18, 2019. Kathleen had a true concern for the citizens of Louisiana and a great sense of humor as well. We are proud that Kathleen with our calls was able to come from behind 48/52 in the last six days to win her election by 52/48. That is still quite a record for a one week turn around statewide!
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